Honoka Takamiya is a seemingly ordinary high school student who is living a normal life. However, his main problem in life is the constant presence of Ayaka Kagari, the beautiful idol and ‘princess’ of the school. As Honoka sits next to Ayaka in class and takes part in the same class cleaning duties as she does, even the tiniest interaction between them leads to Honoka getting beaten up by her fanclub.
One day, however, while Honoka is taking out the trash, a school building is mysteriously flung towards him. Luckily, a Witch swings to his rescue and wards off the attack. This Witch is revealed to be none other than Ayaka herself, who has been observing and protecting him ever since.
- Main Title Witch Craft Works
- Official Title Witch Craft Works
- Official Title ウィッチクラフトワークス
- Type TV Series, 12 episodes
- Year 05.01.2014 till 23.03.2014
- Official Website Witch CW Anime
- Social Twitter
- Artist Fhána Song Divine Intervention – Year 2014 – Official Site Fhána
- Social: Youtube, Twitter, Facebook
- Shop: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Line Music