In a world where magic has been a reality brought forth by technology for nearly a century, various countries are locked in an arms race in which magicians are the weapons. To develop and foster this highly prized national resource, nine elite high schools affiliated to the National Magic University were established throughout Japan. At First High School, the first of its kind, located in Hachiouji, Tokyo, two hundred students enrol each year, divided into two courses: Course 1 students, who pridefully call themselves Blooms after having the school flower embroidered on their uniform, excel in magic, while Course 2 students, derisively called Weeds after the lack of the flower embroidery, are only seen as replacements for the former.
In the spring of 2095, two siblings enrol in First High School: Shiba Tatsuya, a genius student without magic capability, was barely accepted into Course 2, while his sister, Shiba Miyuki, a highly talented magician regardless of the measuring method, is the top student among the freshmen in Course 1. Miyuki is highly unhappy about the treatment her brother receives in this environment where students are divided into elites and losers right at the enrolment and discrimination runs rampant, not intending to let him be seen as an underdog. Still, Tatsuya does not seem to care, apparently being more interested in just leading a reasonably normal high school life, or at least as normal as a magician’s school life can be. Nevertheless, Tatsuya’s abilities are not limited to being a bookworm, and trouble appears to go out of its way to find him…
- Main Title Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
- Official Title The Irregular at Magic High School
- Official Title 魔法科高校の劣等生 The irregular at magic high school
- Type TV Series, 26 episodes
- Year 06.04.2014 till 28.09.2014
- Official Website Mahouka
- Artist LiSA – Song Rising Hope – Year 2014 – Official Website LiSA
- Social: Youtube, Twiter, Facebook, Instagram
- Shop: Goods Store, Aniplex+, Sony Music
- Artist GARNiDELiA – Song Grilletto – Year 2014 – Official Website GARNiDELiA
- Social: Youtube, Twitter, Toku Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
- Shop: Goods, Amazon Music , Google Music
- Artist ELISA – Song Millenario – Year 2014 – Official Website ELISA
- Shop: Apple Music
- Artist Rei Yasuda – Song Mirror – Year 2014 – Official Website Rei Yasuda
- Social: Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
- Shop Apple Music, Spotify