While struggling to get past a break-up with his girlfriend, Kuro Sakuragawa was approached by Kotoko Iwanaga, a girl who declared that she was in love with Kuro since she met him two years ago. She then tells him that she is a sort of Goddess of Wisdom where she serves as the intermediary between the real world and the supernatural world. Kuro, of course, doubts her at first but after fighting a yōkai in a library and revealing to each other their true identities (Kuro is actually a monster that has eaten two different yōkai meats giving him the powers of immortality and near-absolute precognition), Kuro agrees to help Kotoko on her various adventures as the peace-keeping Goddess of Wisdom.
- Main Title Kyokou Suiri
- Official Title In/Spectre
- Official Title 虚構推理
- Type TV Series, 12 episodes
- Year 12.01.2020 till 29.03.2020
- Official Website Kyokou Suiri
- Social Twitter
- Artist Lie and a Chameleon Song Mononoke in the Fiction – Year 2020
- Official Site Lie and a Chameleon
- Social: Line, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Spotify
- Shop: Apple Music, Line Music
- Artist Mamoru Miyano Song LAST DANCE – Year 2020 Official Site Mamoru Miyano
- Social: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube,
- Shop: Amazon Music, Apple Music