For years, a seemingly endless war has raged between the technologically advanced Heavenly Empire and the country of powerful magic users known as the Nebulis Sovereignty. In the present day, a master swordsman from the Empire named Iska and the “Ice Calamity Witch” from Nebulis’ ruling family, Aliceliese, meet on the battlefield, determined to kill each other. However, even as enemies, both harbor a secret desire to peacefully end the war between their two nations without further bloodshed. As circumstances continuously conspire to bring them together, Iska and Alice begin to wonder if they can find peace with each other at first, and through this, create a path to bring an end to this war.
- Main Title Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen
- Official Title Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World
- Official Title キミと僕の最後の戦場, あるいは世界が始まる聖戦
- Type TV Series, 12 episodes
- Year 07.10.2020 till 23.12.2020
- Official Website kimisentv
- Social Twitter
- Artist Ishihara Kaori Song Against. – Year 2020 Official Site Ishihara Kaori
- Social: Twitter, Instagram, Youtube
- Shop: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Line Music