In a world where the battle between Hero and Demon Lord repeated itself time-and-time again an enormous space-time spell misfired and hit a certain Japanese high-school class on Earth, killing everyone. However, guided by what seemed to be a miracle, the students were all reincarnated into that other world. Though, while a handful were fortunate enough to become royalty, nobles, and other kinds of influential people, one girl was not so lucky. Being reborn as a spider monster of the weakest kind in a dungeon filled with vicious beasts, she is forced to experience extreme hardship. Even so, armed with nothing but her human knowledge and overwhelming positivity, she continues to press on and survive against creatures much stronger than herself.
- Main Title Kumo Desu ga, Nanika?
- Official Title So I`m a Spider, So What?
- Official Title 蜘蛛ですが, なにか?
- Type TV Series, 24 episodes
- Year 08.01.2021 till ?
- Official Website Kumo-Anime
- Social Twitter
- Artist Riko AZUNA Song keep weaving your spider way – Year 2020 Official Site Riko AZUNA
- Social: Twitter, Instagram
- Shop: Amazon Music, Line Music
2nd Opening
- Artist Konomi Suzuki Song Bursty Greedy Spider – Year 2021 Official Site konomi-suzuki
- Social: Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
- Shop: Apple Music, Line Music