In the 21st century, Earth is in a rapidly declining economic state as megacorporations known as the Integrated Enterprise Foundations (統合企業財体, Tōgō Kigyō Zaitai), rose to power after the Invertia (落星雨インヴェルティア, Inverutia)[a] impact event destroyed most of the planet’s cities and resulted in humans gaining superpowers to become the Genestella (星脈世代ジェネステラ, Jenesutera).[b] The city of Rikka (六花), also called Asterisk, has six academies where the Genestella participate in tournaments called Festa (星武祭フェスタ, Fesuta).[c] Battle performances at Seidoukan Academy (星導館学園, Seidōkan Gakuen), the city’s fifth top-ranking academy, are falling significantly and the academy’s incumbent student council president, Claudia Enfield, is determined to find a solution to the problem. Kirin Toudou is the academy’s top fighter, but Claudia, as well as Lieseltanian princess Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld, are close behind. Meanwhile, Ayato Amagiri investigates the disappearance of his sister, Haruka, a former student at Seidoukan. During his first day at the academy, Ayato is forced to fight Julis after discovering her half-dressed when returning her handkerchief to her. Claudia voids their duel and enrolls Ayato in Seidoukan. After rescuing Julis from a plot to cripple the Phoenix Festa, he sets out to become her protector and close friend. Eventually, Ayato wins against Kirin and is named the new top student at the academy. After Ayato participates in the Phoenix Festa with Julis to solve Seidoukan’s performance crisis, they continue to participate in various Festas and also fight threats outside of the academy.
- Main Title Gakusen Toshi Asterisk
- Official Title The Asterisk War
- Official Title 学戦都市アスタリスク
- Type TV Series, 12 episodes
- Year 03.10.2015 until 19.12.2015
- Official Website asterisk-war
- Social Twitter
- Artist Shiena Nishizawa Song Brand-new World Year 2015 Official Site shiena-nishizawa
- Social: Twitter, YouTube, Instagram
- Shop : (◕︵◕)